1. Direct Current Circuits
- Basic electrical quantities and their units
- Simple circuit diagrams
- Ohm’s law
- Determination of resistance of metal conductors
- Kirchoff’s laws
- Effects of temperature on resistance
2. Chemical Cells
- Faraday’s law of electrolysis
- Construction of cells and their characteristics
- Cell connections
- Charging methods
- Care and maintenance of cells
- Effects of internal resistance on terminal voltage
3. Electrostatics
- Electric fields
- Construction of capacitors
- Definitions of electrostatics quantities and units
- Determination of total capacitance
- Energy stored in a capacitors
4. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
- Magnetic field patterns
- Force on current carrying conductor
- Magnetism curve and hysteresis loop
- Electromagnetic induction
- Induction in materials
5. Transformers
- Principle of operation of transformers
- Types of transformers and their application
- Construction of different types of transformers
- Simple calculation on single phase transformers
- Transformer impendance matching
- Reasons for RF shielding
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