Business Law/Commercial Law: Summary notes

Business Law| Commercial Law| Introduction to Law notes

Suitable for those studying Professional courses, Certificates, Diplomas, and Business Degrees

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Business Law| Commercial Law Revision Questions and Answers

1 . THE NATURE AND SOURCES OF LAW – Click here to view these notes

  • Law defined
  • The State
  • Classification of law
  • Meaning of law
  • Advantages of written law
  • Disadvantages of written law
  • Sovereignty of Parliament
  • Constitutional amendments
  • Common law
  • Equity
  • Legislation
  • Rules of interpretation
  • Judicial precedents
  • Ratio decidendi
  • Obiter dicta
  • Stare Decisis
  • Per incurium judgement
  • Decision of Commonwealth Countries Law Reporting
  • Textbooks as source of law
  • Customary law

2. THE STRUCTURE OF COURTS IN KENYA – Click here to view these notes

  • The Administration of justice
  • The judiciary
  • Judicial Service Commission
  • The Attorney – General
  • District Magistrates’ courts Resident Magistrates’ courts
  • Civil jurisdiction
  • Criminal jurisdiction –
  • Kadhis’ courts
  • The High Court
  • The Kenya Court of Appeal
  • The Industrial Court.

3. LAW OF PERSONS – Click here to view these notes

  • Legal personality
  • Corporations
  • Unincorporated Associations Partnerships
  • Formation of registered companies
  • Nationality Domicile
  • Adoption
  • legitimation
  • Guardianship
  • Marriage and Divorce
  • Capacity to marriage
  • Void marriages.

4. LAW OF TORT – Click here to view these notes

  • Definition
  • Malice
  • Damnum sine injuria
  • Injuria sine damnum General defences
  • Vicarious liability
  • Independent contractor   Rule in Rylands v Fletcher
  • Trespass to persons
  • Trespass to land Trespass to goods
  • Distinction between trespass and conversion
  • Remedies for conversion.Nuisance
  • Private
  • Public Remedies for nuisance
  • Distinction between trespass and nuisance.Negligence
  • The duty of care
  • Res ipsa loquitur
  • Contributory negligence
  • .Defamation
  • Definition
  • Libel – Slander
  • Ingredients of defamation
  • Defences.

5. THE LAW OF PROPERTY – Click here to view these notes

  • The meaning of property
  • Ownership and possession
  • Real and personal property
  • Importance of land
  • Definition of land
  • Immovable and movable property
  • Registration of titles
  • fegistered Land Act
  • Consequences of registration
  • Registration of deeds
  • Effect of failure to register
  • Leases
  • Definition
  • Registration of leases
  • Rights and obligations
  • Covenants
  • Implied rights of the lessee
  • Implied obligations of the lessee
  • Remedies for breach of covenants
  • Mortagages and Charges Simple mortage
  • Mortgage by conditional sale
  • Usfructuary mortgage
  • English mortgage
  • Difference between mortage and a charge
  • Types of mortgages
  • Legal mortage
  • Equitable mortgage
  • Rights and Liabilities of mortgagor
  • Rights and liabilities of mortgagee
  • Easements
  • Creation of easements
  • Profits a prendre
  • Termination of easement and profits
  • Restraint on disposition
  • Caution
  • Inhibition
  • Restriction
  • Gift of movable or immovable property
  • Transfer how effected
  • Transfer of actionable claims
  • Coveyancing
  • Transfer
  • Co-ownership
  • Tenancy in common
  • Joint tenancy
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Trusts.

6. LAW OF SUCCESSION – Click here to view these notes

  • Testate
  • Intestate
  • Estate
  • Will
  • Codicil
  • Revocation
  • Personal representative
  • Executors
  • Administartors
  • Probate
  • A general legacy
  • A specific legacy
  • A demonstrative legacy
  • Law of Succession Act
  • Formalities of a valid will
  • Oral will
  • Capacity to make a will
  • Revocation of will
  • Family provisions.

7. THE LAW OF CONTRACT – Click here to view these notes

  • Definition of contract
  • Essentials of a valid contract
  • Offer and acceptance
  • Rules of offer
  • Offer and an invitation to treat
  • Termination of offer
  • Option
  • Acceptance
  • Consideration
  • Rules of consideration
  • Capacity
  • Infants
  • Insance and drunken persons
  • Corporations
  • Mistake
  • A common mistake
  • Mutual mistake
  • Unilateral mistake
  • Misrepresentation
  • Innocent and fraudulent
  • Remedies for fraudulent misrepresentation
  • Remedies for innocent misrepresentation
  • Contract of uberrimae fidei
  • Duress
  • Undue influence
  • Presumption of undue influence
  • Illegal contracts
  • Discharge of contract
  • Limitations of Action Act
  • Remedies for breach of contract
  • Damages
  • Specific performance
  • Injunctions
  • Miscellaneous topics
  • Promissory estoppe
  • Doctrine of part performance
  • Quasi contract.

8. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS – Click here to view these notes

  • Characteristics of negotiable instrument
  • Types of instrument-The nature of a bill of exchange
  • The advantages of a bill of exchange
  • Acceptance
  • General and Qualified acceptance
  • Acceptance for honour
  • Indorsement
  • blank
  • Special
  • Restrictive
  • Sanc recours
  • Discharge of a bill
  • Noting and Protesting
  • Promissory notes
  • Cheques.

9. SALE OF GOODS – Click here to view these notes

  • The contract of sale of goods
  • Definition of goods
  • Transfer of property
  • Mistake
  • Payment of price
  • Implied warranties
  • Implied conditions
  • Contracts of work and material
  • Transfer of title
  • Unpaid seller’s rights against the goods.

10. HIRE PURCHASE – Click here to view these notes

  • Hire purchase distinguished from credit sale and     conditional sale
  • Formation of the agreement
  • Implied terms
  • Right to end the agreement
  • Default by hirer.

11.  AGENCY – Click here to view these notes

  • Definition of agency
  • Formation of agency
  • By express appointment
  • By implication
  • Agency by estoppel
  • -Agency of necessity
  • Agency by ratification
  • Duties of the agent
  • Duties of the principal
  • Rights of agent
  • Authority of the agent
  • Particular kinds of agent
  • Breach of warranty of authority
  • Relationship between principal and agent and third party
  • Termination of agency.

12 . PARTNERSHIP – Click here to view these notes

  • Definition
  • Creation
  • Number of partners
  • Liability of partners to third parties
  • Implied authority of a partner
  • Assignment of share
  • Liability of new partner and retiring partner
  • Partnership property
  • Dissolution
  • Limited partnership.

13. BAILMENT, LIEN, AND PLEDGES – Click here to view these notes

  • Types of bailment
  • Duties of the bailee
  • Duties of the bailor
  • Pledge
  • Pawnbrokers
  • Bills of sale
  • Nature of lien
  • Possessory lien
  • Maritime lien
  • Equitable lien
  • Difference between a guarantee and indemnity contract
  • Rights of a guarantor
  • against the creditor
  • against the debtor
  • against co-guarantors
  • Discharge of contract of guarantee.

14. INSURANCE – Click here to view these notes

  • Definition
  • Insurable interest
  • Double insurance
  • Reinsurance
  • Subrogation
  • Various forms of insurance
  • Average clause
  • contribution

15. COMMON CARRIERS – Click here to view these notes

  • Common carrier defined
  • Duties of common carrier
  • Charter parties
  • Bill of lading.
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