Bachelor of Business Information Technology Notes

YEAR I Semester 1

YEAR I Semester 2

YEAR 2 Semester 1

  • BIT 2117 Accounting Information Systems
  • BIT 1201 Database Systems
  • BIT 2202 Business Information System Analysis and Design
  • BIT 1202 Introduction To Web Design and Development
  • BAF2102 Cost Accounting
  • BBM 1202 Principles of Marketing
  • BBM 2103 Organizational behavior
  • BIT 4204 Principles of Ecommerce

YEAR 2 Semester 2

  • BUCU 005 HIV/AIDS Pandemic and Drugs Abuse
  • BAF2202 Management Accounting I
  • BAF2206 Principles of Risk Management And Insurance
  • BIT 2201 Computer Programming Methodology
  • BIT 2203 Data Structure and Algorithms
  • BIT 2204 Introduction To Data Communication and Computer Networks
  • BAF2104 Financial Management I
  • BMA2202 Business Statistics I

YEAR 3 Semester 1

Elective units- Select 1

  • BIT 3202 Internet Programming
  • BBM 3117 Essentials of Organization Development
  • SPM322 Production & Operations Management

YEAR 3 Semester 2

  • BIT 3106 Object Oriented Programming
  • BIT 4202 Artificial Intelligence
  • BIT 3205 Business Systems Simulation and Modeling
  • BIT 3206 ICT project Management
  • BMA3201 Operations Research
  • BIT 3105 Management Information Systems

Elective units- Select 1

  • BBM 3205 Marketing Management
  • BIT 3207 Fundamentals of Compiler Construction In BIT
  • BIT 3208 Advanced Web Design And Development

YEAR 4 Semester 1

  • BIT 4102 Computer Graphics
  • BIT 4103 Human Computer Interaction
  • BIT 4104 Security and Cryptography
  • BIT4101 Business Data Mining and Warehousing
  • BIT3224 Computing Project development approaches
  • BAF3204 Principles of Taxation
  • BAF4103 Principles of Auditing

Elective units- Select 1

  • BIT 4106 Fuzzy Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
  • BIT 4107 Advanced Business Data Structures and Computer Algorithms

YEAR 4 Semester 2

  • BIT 4201 Mobile Computing
  • BIT 4206 ICT In Business and Society
  • BBM 4117 Strategic Management
  • BIT 4203 Distributed Multimedia Systems
  • BIT 4217 Total Quality Management Of Business Information Systems
  • PBCU002 Project
  • PBCU003 Industrial Attachment

Elective units- Select 1

  • BIT 4205 Network Programming
  • BIT 4207 Distributed Databases and Systems
  • BIT 4208: Knowledge Based Information Systems
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