Social Work and Community Development Level 6 Past Assessment Papers

  • Carry out Advocacy and Lobbying Activities Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Carry out child welfare programmes Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Carry out Resource Mobilization and Fundraising Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Conduct Case Management Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Conduct Community Awareness, Training and Sensitization Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Conduct Community Empowerment Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Conduct Social Research Works Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Coordinate Community Projects Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Coordinate Conflict Resolution and Level 6 Past Assessment PapersManagement
  • Coordination of Rehabilitation Programmes Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Perform Home Based Care and Support Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
  • Perform Psychosocial Support Level 6 Past Assessment Papers
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