Certificate in Human Resource Management Past Papers

Module I

  1. Information And Communication Technology (ICT) Past Papers
  2. Business Calculations and Statistics Past Papers
  3. Business Finance Past Papers
  4. Financial Accounting Past Papers
  5. Entrepreneurship Past Papers
  6. Occupational Safety & Precautions Past Papers
  7. Office Administration and Management Past Papers
  8. Commerce Past Papers
  9. Communication Skills Past Papers
  10. Elements of Human Resource Management Past Papers

Module II

  1. Information Communication Technology (Practical) Past Papers
  2. Office Organization Past Papers
  3. Practice of Human Resource Management Past Papers
  4. Business Law Past Papers
  5. Book-Keeping and Accounts Past Papers
  6. Element of Labour Law and Industrial Relations Past Papers
  7. Office Organization Past Papers
  8. Economics Past Papers
  9. Human Resource Management Records Past Papers
  10. Fundamentals of Management and Environment Past Papers
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